AMC’s The Walking Dead has once again graced our screens with it’s captivating look at the cost of human life when surviving in a post apocalyptic world. Season 5 has taken the group from the mysterious Terminus, back into the heart of Atlanta and onward in search of refuge in Washington D.C. Along the way they have lost friends, family and have been pushed to the edge in their fight for survival.
n Season 3 Tyreese told The Governor that he would do what he had to do to earn his keep. Season 5 concludes Tyreese’s challenges in doing what he had to do in order to survive. Distracted for a moment from the horrors of the world, Tyreese is launched into a life or death struggle, both psychically and psychologically as he waits for help to arrive after being bitten by Noah’s brother.
Product Code: MCF14627
Manufacturer: McFarlane
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